Sir X projects



One of Sir X's oldest but also most elaborate projects is his Witchtorture project.

It all started with a picture story, now known as Witchtorture 1. For this picture story, for which his then girlfriend Kallisti was booked by medieval fans in Augsburg, Sir X took pictures and developed an interest in the subject.

Later, another good friend of Sir X organized him as a special gift a medieval facility for a shooting, there the Witchtorture II story was then implemented very elaborately (for a photo shoot).

Both picture stories: Witchtorture 1 + 2 can still be found today at

But that's not all. The really most elaborate project was the feature-length film that Sir X made on the subject a few years later, and which can also be bought here in the Video Store today as Witchtorture 3. The film was shot in one week in Switzerland in a castle. 30 good friends of Sir X made the shooting possible and actively helped to make this B-Movie (one should actually say XB for eXtrem small Budjet, for such a demanding topic) as professional and authentic as possible. The castle was given to him for free by another very good friend, for which he is grateful to this day. The owner of the castle has subsequently had a lot of legal trouble because Switzerland is stupidly a bit prudish about such film subjects.

After the shooting, only the editing and the dubbing of the film took 11 months.

There is an extra website for this film at

Underwater Bondage

Another one can say spectacular photo project of Sir X are his underwater bondage photos taken in the red sea.

His two models first had to do a diving course in Germany and then two more weeks were spent on location in Egypt to train themselves trustingly without a diving apparatus to be supplied by divers externally.
Only then could the actual shooting begin. A lot of effort for in the end 20 usable photos, which were made with an analog underwater camera. Digital technology was not advanced enough for underwater photography at that time.

One of the photos could be bought as a poster for a while, some were published in magazines. You can find some of them on the SirX FanPage at Slave Central. The pictures there are not visible for guests, you need a (free) profile in SC.


Yes, the well-known Slavescenter was also a Sir X project. Conceived by him and launched together with his brother (Magic Zyks) in 2003.

If you are a member of the SM scene we don't need to introduce the Slavescenter or SC as it is often abbreviated. It is still one of the most important SM communities in the German language and has shaped the scene for many many years and helped it to organize itself.


One of the newer projects from the programming pen of Sir X is the community Born out of the idea to create a platform especially for the younger BDSMers and the "new kinky generation" (young riggers, photographers, fetishists), which meets the modern demands on a social platform rather than the admittedly outdated Moloch Sklavenzentrale. However, this community has not quite gotten rolling yet. The old SZ hares still like SZ and the young kinky generation unfortunately often prefers to use FaceBook, even if you have restrictions there.

You are welcome to have a look at and help to exploit the potential of the site, because technically it is of the finest (Designed for Mobile) and you can play there for free. By the way, you can also see many pictures and video clips of Sir X, which can only be accessed here with x-access password.


There have been two TortureContests. These were events with spectators, once with men and once with women, who competed against each other in a pain competition.

Certainly unique in its kind. For the contest 5 so called Torture Cases have been built, which are still used by KuK BDSM.

There is also a website for this project, but the two films can also be viewed directly here in the Video Store.

The Libidomat

The Libidomat (a steam-powered fucking machine produced by Aziel) has also been a two-film project. Likewise with its own website:

The film features a twisted doctor at the end of the 19th century who uses the machine for his medical treatments. This attempt to bring together a certain form of humor and BDSM has not turned out to be very successful commercially, though the films are certainly unique. Sir X plays the doctor himself.

Spanish Horse Contest

Probably the most extensive film series of Sir X is the span. Horse Competition. This comprises 10 parts, whereby the last part with the current record can unfortunately no longer be shown for private reasons. All other parts can be watched here in the Video Store.

The principle is always the same. The participant sits on a Spanish horse (medieval torture instrument) and can stop this at any time. At the same time she is exposed to other tortures, so that it does not become too boring. It is always about creating a longer time than the predecessors, so also a kind of competition and endurance test for real masochists.

That's it? Not at all ...

There are several smaller and bigger projects and websites that would not exist without Sir X. Just to name a few things where Sir X has or had his fingers in the pie:,, CFH Ident,, (gothic community), (the latter three have been completely discontinued) but by the way also non-erotic websites and projects that can remain unmentioned in this context.

Sir X projects