85 min 2D / 3D 19 € Single price

Slave application

A young slave girl faces the aptitude test of her new master. The two actors are SMer from the German scene and represent here a very authentic game. This film is more slow than fast food. We have deliberately not cut the film to the most action-packed scenes together (as is often the case in this area], but show the entire game to preserve the athmosphere that was also felt during filming.

In the 3D version, the film shows the action from different angles than the original film. Therefore the films are not identical. (During the shooting only one 3D camera but 2 "normal" cameras were used, therefore there are differences in the presentation and camera work). This 3D film is the first of its kind by Sir X.

Access authorization required

To watch this video in full length and best quality you need an x-access proof of age (one-time) and an x-access ticket at the given costs.

You can see details about the costs on the x-access page when you apply for access. The x-access Basic Pass is always a prerequisite for purchase.

Sir X Movie Ticket - Video of the Week

Every week a new movie is available on the Sir X Movie Ticket. If you buy the Sir X Movie Ticket you can watch a different Sir X video every week without having to buy it separately.

Sorry, this movie will be available in another week via Sir X Movie Ticket. If you want to see it already today, you have to buy it separately.__

Show the movie available this week via the Sir X Movie Ticket!

The Sir X Movie Ticket costs the first month 29,95 €.
And each following month only 14,95 €

This is worth it very quickly if you want to see more than one movie from Sir X.

You can see details about the costs on the x-access page when you apply for access. The x-access Basic Pass is always a prerequisite for purchase.

Sir X Videos